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Bitcoin Accelerator

bitcoin accelerator, btc accelerator, accelerate bitcoin transaction, bitcoin transaction accelerator, accelerate btc transaction, transaction accelerator

21 Concourse Gate #5, Nepean, ON K2E 7S4


Phone: 909-740-3910

Working as of March 30, 2018. implemented this service to protest against the prior 1MB limitation of the Bitcoin network. btc accelerators gives priority to user-submitted transactions for the next mined blocks by the pool. The only requirement is the transaction must include a minimum fee of 10 sat/B. The free-to-use nature of the service may have made it widely popular as every hour, the number of transaction requested reaches its limit (of 100) and it is common to be presented with the message “Submissions are beyond limit. Please try later.” on the top middle of the page. This means one must wait for the next hour to try a new submission. After submitting a transaction, there is a wait for the next block to be mined by BTC accelerator Pool.

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Zenbu ID 1311793, since 19/08/2022
Last edited 19/08/2022 by BitcoinAccelerator
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